Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Chris took me to see The Ugly Truth on Monday night..soooo funny!! I loved it!! And I LOVE Gerard!! :D So many good movies have come out this summer!! I love it, mainly because that is all I can do now that I'm pregnant we have seen LOTS of movies!! My top favorites so far.. 1. Hangover 2. The Proposal (looovvee Ryan Reynolds!!) 3. Transformers (mmm Shia Lebeouf) 3. The Ugly Truth (I know it says 3 and 3 but it's because they are tied!! haha) 4. Terminator 5. Star Trek (I know..Chris made me see it..and it actually wasn't bad!!)
Also I no longer have dark's BLONDE again!! :) And I cut it!! A little past my shoulder's!! I guess you could say that I have a mommy hair cut now..although I don't really think it looks too mommy ish haha!
On another note I have soooo much to do to get ready for baby Cohen (we aren't positive that will be his name yet, but I want it to be) all I have so far are clothes! ha I know typical girl thing to do!! lol and I don't even have that many of those!! I have a whole list of things that I need to get but I'm not exactly sure where to start! My family is being extremely helpful though..they are helping us get most of the big things..crib, stroller/car seat, swing.. Chris's job is to find us somewhere to live!! haha we have looked at a few places but haven't decided yet! But we don't have that much we have to start getting everything ready ASAP!!:)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Today was my 20 week doctors appointment...and we found out that we are having a....BOY!! I'm super was official when I heard the heartbeat...but now, it's like real. I got to see him and the doctor said that everything was great and looked good. So now just on to waiting until he comes..we have discussed a few names I like Cohen and Parker..Cohen is my favorite so far. My due date is November 15. Right around my birthday!! :) A little after but he's my lil birthday present.