Monday, June 21, 2010

..strawberry days/update..

Saturday Cohen and I went to the carnival and rodeo for strawberry days with my family! It was so much fun! I took Cohen on the merry-go-round and he loved it! :) Then we went to the rodeo. It wasn't as good as it used to be, but it was still fun and I hadn't been to one in forever! Sunday was fathers day and we took the wave runners down to the lake then had a bbq! Cohen will be 7 months on the 23rd!! He is getting so dang big..and he has the cutest personality!!
So..I got a promotion at work!!:) I'm the new night team lead! (night manager). I'm super excited because then I can be at home during the day with Cohen and at work while he's asleep!! Plus the benefits and extra money will be saweet!!:)


  1. I had fun playing today. Cohen is my favorite chunker nephew!! He's in the running for 2nd place for cutest baby. Lol. I love the train track pic by the way. Thanks for letting me take ur pics.

  2. He is so stinkin cute! Congrats again on the new position!

  3. aw thanks Cassie! Sarah i had fun too..we need to do it more often!! well to me HE IS the cutest baby!! haha :) thanks i like it too! i wanna take like a week, week and a half!! ha
