Sunday, November 21, 2010

..Cohen's 1st Birthday..

This Saturday we celebrated Cohen's 1st birthday!
He had soo much fun! He loved all the friends and family, cake, and of course cool presents! :)
He is pretty spoiled. It looked like Christmas! But you only turn 1 once right?
We invited our close friends and family over to grandpa Steve's for cake, ice cream, and presents.
We even had awesome party hats! :)
I really enjoyed planning his party and watching him open is presents and dig into his cake!
He also got his FIRST hair cut! He did awesome! My cute friend Kayce cut it and she was soo cute with him. She let him see the buzzer and feel it so he wouldn't be scared. He then discovered that if he pulled on the cord to her blow dryer, the blow dryer would turn on. He loved that. It kept him entertained the rest of the time! :) He did a great job and looks soo handsome! He looks much older too. :/ I can't believe that it has already been a year! We have so many more to come and I am really excited. I love my little man so much. He teaches me something new everyday. :)

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